For those who have broken their glasses which fit so neatly in the holes in the crockery cupboard here is a great replacement from IKEA at £1.25 for six

For those who have broken their glasses which fit so neatly in the holes in the crockery cupboard here is a great replacement from IKEA at £1.25 for six
Dick Constable has a simple gadget to show if you are level.
it seems obvious to me that an additional hand wash dispenser fixed above the sink for dishwasher liquid saves bothering with the conventional bottle.
The Morello is a bit short on places to put your coffee cup when stopping for a quick break. To save having to set up one of the tables every time, I created two “coffee shelves” using bookends
A novel method for carrying a modern white water kayak.
Brian Marshall sent in this tip: There was a post a while ago on a stainless steel fixed cup holder. I wondered how a removable one might work. Mine fits snugly between the backrest board and window and can be used anywhere along the window space. Ideal for tea in…
Our events page states: We suggest that members place details of next of kin behind the drivers sun visor where they can be located in the event of illness during a rally Keith Ross has sent a template that he uses as an example:
two tips for Pimento owners
Never again … will we need to rescue the toilet roll!
how best to fix his canoe (and my SUP) to the roof without interfering with the satellite.
Introduction A WiFi booster is a device which typically can be used on a campsite to pick up from your pitch the wifi signal which might otherwise only be available at the reception. Range is not infinite of course but depending on signal strength you should be able to log…
When the tap is too far away for a hose, have you struggled to pour water into the tank? Here’s the answer!
We all know the primary use of the toilet cassette, but I saw someone had found a new use, which I now copy.
A Technical Workshop was held on 20 March 2016; 36 Members attended
Out toilet compartment has a rooflight made by a company called MKP which even over just a couple of years has become pretty dirty. It’s not anything we do in there, honest, the problem is it is double glazed but by the most useless double glazing company because there is…
Click to read a pdf of the Greenwood’s ideas
To get going in the morning, a cuppa is essential, but the Morello lacks a suitable place to rest the cup. This stainless steel marine cup holder looks good and is solidly made. When closed it fits behind the sliding seat.
We have taken up the idea of a pan scrubber pushed into the drainage hole of the scuttle to prevent leaves etc from blocking the drainage.
I have found these long thin plastic boxes are great for holding books/maps. Easy access between the front seats but can still get through to the back. The black stripe is a piece of Velcro (the hook part) which runs inside the box then out through two holes to stick…