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I thought that our experience when we arrived home from the AGM may be useful ‘On arrival home from the AGM we found 6-8inches of snow had fallen over the weekend. The snow plough had also made a passing place in the lane at the entrance to our drive. Having dug a path through the piles left by the snow plough we still had to cover the 50yards or so up our track to the house through the snow. After a couple of failed attempts we resorted to the Autosocks that we have been carrying about for the last 18 months. These proved very easy to fit. Put them over the exposed section of the driven wheels, gently move forward, or back, a yard and fit the remainder over the tyre. Hey presto we were able to gently drive up the track without a single slip of the wheels. We would definitely recommend these as a useful extra to keep on board for winter (and spring?) travel’ A couple of photos attached for information. Robert and Christine Flitney