
some of the benefits of membership:

    • rallying together is interesting & friendly
    • swapping tips and travel ideassee an example here
    • small group meets with shared interests, eg walking, bird watching
    • a buddying system for travelling to more remote areas
    • access to the club’s communication and discussion platform (the Hub)

Amended 20/04/2024

The Murvi Club


1. The name of the association is The Murvi Club.

2. The aims of the association are to provide support, friendship and

recreation amongst owners of Murvi motor caravans.

3. Membership is open to owners of Murvi motor caravans and past

owners at the discretion of the management committee. Application for

membership shall be by means of a form prescribed by the

management committee giving such information as may be required.

‘Member’ means both applicant and spouse or partner. A member shall

be entitled to one vote at meetings.

Only members may attend rallies limited to a maximum of 5 days held

under the association’s exemption certificate issued under Paragraph 6

of the First Schedule to the Caravan Sites and Control of Development

Act 1960. Membership must have been granted in advance of

attendance at any event and be for a longer period than that

associated with only one event.

Interest in land may be acquired by purchase, lease or licence for the

purpose of holding rallies or meetings as permitted by legislation or by

Local Planning Authorities or for any other activities of the Murvi Club.

The relevant local authority shall be consulted regarding any

unlicensed site the Murvi Club propose to occupy for more than 5 days.

Any site to which the local authority objects shall not be used. Such

rallies or meetings shall be limited to a maximum of 28 days on site.

4. The management of the association in accordance with the terms of

this constitution shall be in the hands of an executive committee which

will consist of six members elected at the Annual General Meeting or

Special General Meeting called for that purpose.

The executive committee shall elect the officers.

The executive committee may:

• Appoint any member to fill a vacancy

• Appoint additional members above the five elected

• Decline a membership application or expel a member if they

feel it is in the best interests of the association

• Set joining fees, subscriptions or occasional charges.

• Agree and ensure compliance with the rules of the conduct of


5. Communications and decisions of the executive committee will

normally be circulated by email to members unless the executive

committee agrees otherwise. Postal communications may be used for

those members without email, but a charge may be levied.

6. The executive committee may open bank accounts in the name of the

association, or may authorise members to hold the association’s

money in cash or in a member’s private bank or Paypal account,

subject to clear records being kept and published to members. The

association’s financial year shall run from 1st January.

7. An Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) will be held, not later than 15

months after the previous A.G.M. Members will be given at least 4

weeks notice of the A.G.M. and can submit motions for debate up to 2

weeks prior to the A.G.M. The agenda will be distributed one week

prior to the A.G.M. Members not able to be present at the A.G.M. may

appoint a proxy, or may submit their voting intentions to the secretary.

A simple majority of valid votes will be deemed sufficient to decide all


8. A Special General Meeting may be called by the executive committee,

or by the request of five members in writing to the secretary, on the

same terms as the A.G.M., except that only the items listed for

discussion in the notice calling the meeting may be debated.

9. Changes to this constitution may be made at an A.G.M. or Special

General Meeting. The proposed changes shall be included with the

notice calling the meeting. The meeting is required to vote to accept

the changes as specified or reject them completely.

10. All members are required to observe the association’s code of conduct.

11. In the event of the association being wound up, any funds remaining

will be given to a charity or charities authorised by not less than two

members of the executive committee. If there is a deficit, all members

will share the costs up to £10 per member.

 The Murvi Club Code of Conduct 

Adopted 19/03/2016


1. The Murvi Club (the organisation) shall appoint one named member (the “rally marshal” or “responsible person”) to be responsible for the conduct of any exempted touring caravan or camping event and for ensuring that those attending comply with this code.

2. The responsible person must ensure that all members are aware of The Countryside Code, The Caravan Code and The Seashore Code (see Annexes 1a -c).

The Venue 

3. The organisation will take reasonable steps to satisfy themselves that the site to be used is not subject to a relevant order under paragraph 13 of the First Schedule to the 1960 Act (for caravans), or an Article 4 direction under Schedule 2 to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (for caravans and camping), and that it is not one where planning permission has been refused or where enforcement action has been taken.

4. The organisation will consult the local authority before meeting on land adjacent to sites for which planning permission has been granted (i.e. next to permanent or commercial sites).

5. The organisation will agree to move from and avoid any site to which the local authority maintains a valid objection.

6. The organisation will not meet on sites adjacent to certificated locations/sites unless the proposed site is clearly differentiated and the risk of interference with local people and other users is minimal.

7. The organisation will take reasonable steps to ensure that the siting of units (a caravan, motor home, tent or trailer tent) does not unduly interfere with the activities of local people, their privacy or their enjoyment of their property. They will also ensure that the siting of units does not interfere with the enjoyment by others of the landscape, natural beauty or nature conservation value of the area, particularly in areas designated for their landscape or wildlife qualities.

8. The organisation will undertake not to over-use any venue and will consider carefully before holding successive meetings on the same land.


9. Local people should be able to carry on their normal activities when meetings are in progress. The organisation will take reasonable steps to minimise disturbance and will investigate and deal with the causes of any complaints made.

10. Care should be taken not to damage the site or the surrounding locality. Trees, fences, buildings, equipment and stock should all be respected.

11. Domestic animals belonging to members of the organisation will be kept on a lead and under close control. They will not be allowed to run loose on the site or cause disturbance to local people or animals. They will be exercised away from units and those parts of the site used for communal activities. Any mess will be cleared up.

12. The responsible person will identify open space suitable for the playing of games which might otherwise intrude upon or constitute a danger or annoyance to others on or around the site.

13. Noise should be kept to a minimum for the comfort of others on the site as well as people who live or work nearby.

Road Safety and Access 

14. The responsible person will take steps to ensure that travel from major roads to a proposed site is not likely to cause undue disruption or difficulties for other road users. Access to the site must be suitable for the number and likely size of units attending the meeting. The arrival and departure of units should be arranged to minimise disruption to other road users.

15. The speed of vehicles on the site should be restricted to 5 mph.

Spacing and Density 

16. For health and safety purposes emergency vehicles must be able to secure access at all times to within 90 metres of any unit on the site. As such, units should be well spaced and sited so they do not restrict access to, or exit from, any other unit or the site in general. See Annex 1d for further advice on spacing issues.

Fire Precautions 

17. Open fires and barbecues will not be held except with the permission of the responsible person. Where permission is given for open fires or barbecues, they will be sited on open ground, away from units, vehicles, awnings and any other structures.

18. A fire extinguisher approved to British Standards Institute and/or Fire Officers Certificate standards will be held on site.

Chemical Toilets and Waste Water Disposal 

19. Organisations will act responsibly when disposing of the contents of chemical toilets and waste water and take full account of the need to safeguard water supplies and prevent the pollution of rivers and streams.

20. On-site disposal of the contents of chemical toilets and waste water will be in accordance with arrangements agreed with the site owner/occupier. Neither will be allowed to foul the ground except at designated disposal points. If there is any doubt about the disposal of waste, the organisation or, if appropriate, the responsible person will contact the relevant Local Authority for advice.

Refuse disposal 

21. Organisations should ensure that refuse is either taken home or disposed of in accordance with on-site arrangements. The rally marshal should be satisfied that appropriate arrangements are in place


Code of Conduct The Murvi Club including annexes

Please note the following:

  • the Murvi Club’s role is restricted to supporting the organiser in arranging the event and publicising it to members
  • the fact that a member may organise an event does not place them under any liability
  • the Murvi club will not be liable for any financial loss by members due to cancellation of all or part of an event or any planned activity
  • every person taking part is individually responsible for:
    • ensuring their own safety
    • taking out appropriate insurance to cover accident, breakdown, illness or other eventuality
    • carrying the documents required for foreign travel
    • familiarising themselves with driving laws and rules of each country visited

We suggest that members place details of next of kin behind the drivers sun visor where they can be located in the event of illness during a rally

View our insurance certificate: (more…)

Following a short debate at the AGM, I was instructed to write to the Caravan Club to seek clarification of their pitching rules. A copy of the correspondence  is attached. May I suggest that you take the Caravan Club letter with you if you are visiting one of their sites. You can then produce it if the site staff are more prescriptive than it would appear they have instructed to be.

Roger Pepper
