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Jacquier Fournier has set off with her dog, bike and Murvi:
The Murvi, the Surly touring bicycle and Murph the dog are all accompanying me on a solo gap-year of exploration and adventure, including a winter in Sicily from where I am writing this!
This blog is actually a work in progress, beginning Christmas 2015 with family in Burgundy and ending who knows where or when. The rough plan is to winter in Sicily until Easter then head back up to France, store the Murvi and begin an unsupported multi-month bicycle trip across Europe, west-to east. I will happily add a summary when there is one to add. In the meantime, please feel free to click on the link in the blog if you wish to follow my progress or/and to be informed of new posts. I’m also happy to try to answer any questions you may have.
view her blog