Nitrogen Inflation

Nitrogen Inflation

Nitrogen Inflation

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Bob Eley has has his tyres inflated with nitrogen

“I think the enclosed leaflet says the lot about using nitrogen in the tyres, – and the spare tyre of the Murvi in particular since it is such a pig to get at, just to check the pressure.  It’s a comfort to know that if you do need to use it that it is inflated. I had my spare inflated for use on the rear, knowing that I can let some out if needed on the front.

I understand that racing cars have used nitrogen in their tyres for at least a couple of decades and  aircraft in particular use nitrogen since they don’t want bits of ice rattling around in their tyres when they land or take off.

At £1 per tyre it’s not a big gamble to take.  Having lost a number of dust caps down between the wheel and the trim, a once a year check is enough for me.”                                                   Info leaflet

Before I ever became aware of using nitrogen in my Murvi tyres, I found that checking the pressures was an essential but unpleasant chore.  Partly because I like to keep tyres properly inflated (and partly because I’m lazy) I purchased a “TyrePal” tyre pressure monitoring system.
For a small fee (I seem to remember £6) I got the guys at  ATS tyres to fit the sensors to the wheels – again because they are fiddly to get at and it was easier and more convenient to do it at the same time as the nitrogen filling. – (With the wheel trims off).
I can now check the pressures, sitting inside the van, – how lazy can you get? I now don’t even have to check the tyres even once a year but only when the TyrePal monitor tells me.
I can’t stress how surprised I was to find just how much tyre pressures – and temperatures vary with differing speeds and driving conditions. I will never again check my tyre pressures after a long or fast run.
The details on the following website can tell you more about the technical details of the TyrePal than I can.